Will D. Bay Area, California

What was the obstacle that would have prevented you from investing in coaching?

I think money and finances had a big thing to do with it. It's a big leap for me. Had I not asked you about your past and your history, and what you had gone through, you know, with your father, and so forth, those details, I don't think I would have had as strong of a connection or compelled to work with you. Because I've, as I said, in my other testimony, I've been working hard at this for the past 13 years, and I couldn't turn the corner. And I knew that something wasn't right. And the fact that you could relate to me, was huge.

I think our first call was 2 almost 2 hours. It was more about me, but I just wasn't sure. Then at the end I asked what your history was. You told me about your past and it was very similar: you have a narcissistic father and I have a narcissistic mother. It's just a brutal upbringing that we had to survive through. So I was like, "Okay, well, if he understands that, because not a lot of people that I know, understand that, then maybe there's a chance he can help me out. I'm fighting as hard as I can to break out of this. Maybe he has some answers. Let's give it a shot."

What did you find as a result of investing in coaching with Jason?

One of the main things is your mind - how your mind lies to you. Your ego is there to keep you safe, and to know that you can go beyond that with a ton of courage, actually the most amount of courage you're going to need ever, at least in my life, but you can prove to yourself that those thoughts are not real and that you can actually detach yourself from that and then calmly, calm all the anxiety and then start to use your mind to ask yourself, "What do I want?" So number one, the mind even getting a glimpse to see how the mind works, and how I can start to use my mind to my advantage versus my whole life of having it be a disadvantage. Number two is to trust myself. Because I was doing scary things - I basically overcame my biggest darkest fear. That is what happened and I don't know anybody that wouldn't want to overcome their biggest darkest fear. So to be able to step into that and prove to myself that that fear is 100% false, it's only starting a chain reaction. See what else is false? What else have I made up in my life? And now I'm focusing on my business, which I have a limiting belief there too. I realized that I am a courageous person. I do have traits about myself when I do believe in myself. I needed to get someone to help me understand the mindset more so that I can take action towards that.

That the key to beating anxiety is to relax and be at peace with myself versus striving or what you would call, Jason, white-knuckling. And all these things that we've been taught in the past: to try harder; put more effort in; bang your head against the wall; keep going; don't give up on yourself. Yes, that is good to have that within you, but in terms of anxiety, I believe it's absolutely the worst thing. It just makes it worse.

What specific features did you like most about Jason’s coaching process?

Definitely, the Google Docs to be able to journal my thoughts. And then getting your feedback on a consistent basis. Like I said, in my testimonial, the reason I believe I had such fast progress is that I was able to talk to you multiple times. And sometimes when I was lucky, multiple times in a day.? I know that that wasn't part of the agreement that you would respond that often, but you did. Had I only talk to you maybe once a week, it'd probably taken me six months to a year to get to where I got to in two months. I was willing to put in the work every day; it was my main focus. I love that I love the fact that you (I don't know if this was a question about features) but I just love the fact that you had integrity. I've told you in the past that I did have a dating coach who didn't have the same amount of integrity that you did. And the thing is with me is that I knew the level of commitment that I was coming in with this. I knew that if you were really going to try to help me, I was going to be as good of a student as possible. So I appreciate the integrity of you doing what you said you were going to do. Yeah, so that's, that's the two biggest things that I appreciate.

What were three benefits from working with Jason?

I would say the first thing is understanding that my emotions and my mind are not me. Which is a crazy thing to say. Like two months ago, before I met you, there's no way I would have said that I would have been like, "What are you smoking? Like, you're gonna tell me my mind is not my mind. And my emotions are not part of me. Like, I don't think we should work together. He's got off his rocker." The second part is to realize that there is a lot more out there in terms of a way to live. I'm questioning how else can I live now that I'm not attached to - well, I'm working on not being attached to my ego - ego, thoughts, and also, more importantly, my emotions. That's also what I learned from you, too. I don't know if you know this, because, uh, you my emotions are actually thoughts. And that hit me like a ton of bricks. So the fact that emotions are really thoughts, and I wouldn't have known that. Actually what I'm realizing is they're the more important thoughts. Because emotion, what is it? It's just really thoughts that are so strong and causes a reaction in your nervous system right in your body. What anxiety is, is, it's your thoughts in your head. They're clashing with your body, your emotions, and something's not right. Your mind is saying, "I should go speak to this woman. This is what I want to do." But my body's saying, "Get out of there run. Like you're not safe." So that's the second thing that you taught me while coaching with you is that I need to pay attention more to my emotions. And now that's led to me thinking about what I want. And when I do want that, I need to feel the emotions of things that I want. It's mind-blowing, mind-blowing. The third thing is just knowing that I can apply now these lessons to other parts of my life and, and every time I feel this anxiety or fear, it's a thought that's within me that now I can start to unwind and eventually conquer. So be able to get the things that I want in my life. Thank you again.

Would you recommend someone else work with Jason? If so, why?

Yes, absolutely. I would. I do have a person in mind. I did mention it to him this past weekend, but I'm not sure if he's ready for it. You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make them drink? And why would I? Because you've changed my life. I mean, you changed my life for the better. You have made me realize that I have been living in a way that I don't have to live anymore. All the fear or the anxiety or the worry is all there for a reason, which is to keep me safe, but not being attacked. And actually, what I'm really starting to realize from all of this is that you can love yourself. You know, that's important. And that's why I would recommend your services to someone because I have friends that have major anxiety. Now, I know what the cause is. I didn't know anyone that no one was taught us how to deal with this at a young age. No one taught us how to think, no one taught us how to focus, how to achieve the things that we want. I think that you could help anybody that has these clashing thoughts that are causing anxiety or nice guy issues, which are stemmed from our childhood.

Is there anything you’d like to add?

Is there anything that you could have improved upon? No, man, which is a testament to you. I really am trying to be honest. As I ask for the same feedback when I'm done with my clients, "How can I improve," and sometimes they hit me with some stuff? I'm like, "Oh, that stings a little bit." I mean, you even went above and beyond. There's one time where I was on the I'm not worthy exercises. You actually texted me when I was out there. Just last year. And that was really, it was really cool. So the amount that you're relational with people versus just, you know, another transaction and another coaching client. Are you doing it for the right reasons? I think it's very evident. So I don't really have much more to add.

Jason Miller