David N., Digital Nomad

What's the obstacle that would have prevented you from investing in coaching?

If Jason hadn’t explained exactly how coaching worked, I wouldn’t have been able to invest in it. He told me exactly how often we would meet, how we would communicate, what we would be working on, and how he would give me feedback. It was important to me to be able to imagine the process so that I could see the outcome.

What did you find as a result of investing in coaching with me?

He provided feedback about things like my habits, automatic responses, and the struggles I experience. I could see my progress and notice that things were getting better.

What specific feature did you like most about my coaching process?

It was helpful to have the Google docs because I could see that I wasn’t doing it all alone and I could work on things continuously. The weekly calls made a big difference both because of the accountability and the interaction.

What were three other benefits from working with me?

Being able to know the correct terminology helped me reflect on my Nice Guy habits more clearly because I could understand better what things mean.

I’d like to be a coach, so being coached and seeing the coaching process from a client’s perspective was a very helpful experience.

Having someone outside of my social circle that I can be honest with without judgement was definitely beneficial.

Would you recommend someone else work with me? Why?

Yes. Your process is really clear and it’s helpful to be guided through the journey. Having someone to talk with who is not judging, who has gone through the journey himself and can empathize with me really helped. It seemed less like he was trying to tell me because he knows better than I do and more like he understands why we’re doing the work we’re doing and gives advice to help you think about what you would like to change.

Jason Miller