Alex T, Chicago Illinois USA

What's the obstacle that would have prevented you from investing in coaching?

Convincing myself that it was worth it. It costs a lot of money and it does require a lot of commitment. Coming to the conclusion that I really want to see some change, stop the suffering, and live my life to the fullest.

What did you find as a result of investing in coaching with me?

Support and accountability. I appreciate your professionalism. You showing up every week to hold me accountable helped me to stay on track. You also gave me a lot of tools and helped me be self-aware and learn not to react to my emotions. You helped me think about the reality of situations instead of making all decisions based purely on emotions. You helped me recognize that there are two parts to everything, logical and emotional, and they need to be separate.

What specific feature did you like most about my coaching process?

The weekly calls. I did like the ability to stay in touch via Google Docs, and I wish I had used that more to stay in touch throughout the week.

What were three other benefits from working with me?

I’m more grounded in reality and see things as what they are.

I’m able to analyze problems and the issues I experience better. I can analyze the root cause, understand myself more, and understand other people, as well.

I’m also more confident.

Would you recommend someone else work with me? Why?

Yes, I would, for two reasons. One is that you’re able to customize what you teach based on my immediate needs and hold my hand through the process of helping me deal with my specific problem. You helped me break them down and solve them from a realistic perspective instead of a feelings perspective.

The other reason is because of the consistency and having that accountability and support to stay on track week after week. I’ve had problems in the past with being accountable.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I enjoyed working with you. I appreciate what you’ve done for me and your professionalism and consistency. I thought you were very skilled at what you do. You’re good at helping me break down all the issues and helping me change my mindset of how I deal with my emotions and people and setting realistic expectations.

Jason Miller