
Client Testimonials
I would, without a doubt, no hesitation, recommend someone, anyone, to work with you, for sure. They will get so much more out of it than they expect - which was definitely the case for me.
I went in concerned that I wouldn’t get enough value out of coaching to justify the cost or the time investment. I would tell anybody who is reading this, if you’re willing to put in the effort and the work, it will be life changing.
I never believed in coaching or therapy and this experience completely changed my mind on that. You don’t know what you don’t know and talking to people who can help you down the path is unbelievably valuable.
This was life changing for me and that’s not an exaggeration by any stretch. We went from discussing divorce to happily married.
“I think Jason's approach is very rare and hard to find. I think there's a lot of people that can sit there and listen to what you're saying, but Jason knows how to extract information and talk about it in a way you’ve never thought about it before. It helped me articulate what I had trouble saying or coming to terms with. Jason does a great job of plainly saying things for what they are so that you can get to work.
Start working with Jason as soon as possible. He will change your life.”
“[Jason’s] process is really clear and it’s helpful to be guided through the journey. Having someone to talk with who is not judging, who has gone through the journey himself and can empathize with me really helped. It seemed less like he was trying to tell me because he knows better than I do and more like he understands why we’re doing the work we’re doing and gives advice to help you think about what you would like to change.”
“I don't want to say I got my life back because I have something better than what I had before. I feel like I'm reaching my potential. I'm living in a way where I'm proud of myself that I'm able to be okay with shortcomings and be okay with things that may not go the way that I had hoped, and be able to move past them and know that things will be okay and that I will grow and progress from those issues or those those setbacks or failures or whatever they are.”
“I feel like my marriage is in a much better spot. A lot of the tension that I felt was in place when I started working with you is almost gone. I’ve seen how much I’ve contributed to this tension, walking around with covert contracts and resentment. It’s something I’ll probably have to work on the rest of my life, but I feel like struggles and challenges in my relationship have not completely gone away, but have improved significantly.”
“I feel like I’ve actually gained traction in areas that I was previously spinning my wheels on. The outcomes of the coaching are very pragmatic and I can take approaches to help me to dig in and move forward instead of just going around in circles. We’re not just talking about theory; we’re talking about practicality. Even when I thought the las session was really insightful, sometimes I’d be surprised because the next session would be even more insightful.”
“I appreciate your professionalism. You showing up every week to hold me accountable helped me to stay on track. You also gave me a lot of tools and helped me be self-aware and learn not to react to my emotions. You helped me think about the reality of situations instead of making all decisions based purely on emotions. You helped me recognize that there are two parts to everything, logical and emotional, and they need to be separate… I enjoyed working with you. I appreciate what you’ve done for me and your professionalism and consistency. I thought you were very skilled at what you do. You’re good at helping me break down all the issues and helping me change my mindset of how I deal with my emotions and people and setting realistic expectations.”
“The most obvious thing that I found [from investing in coaching with Jason] is that it's a certain necessity in anybody's life. I had to recognize that I couldn't do a lot of these things on my own. It's completely okay to allocate funds, time, and work to a task that's bettering myself and subsequently bettering my outcome in life….”
“The result [of investing in coaching] was really understanding what is simple and what I need to look at from a simplistic standpoint: don’t go into detail, don’t overanalyze things, don’t look into it too much. Don’t assume and don’t mind-read was a big piece for me and is still something that I still remind myself about every single day in professional and personal interactions.”
I have a better understanding of my situation, how to deal with it and move forward, and how to learn from my past and not dwell in it - to be in the present. I have a better understanding of what caused my divorce: being codependent and dealing with a person who is toxic. There are things that are beyond my control, so I need to focus on what I can control, learn from it, and move forward. I learned to be more vigilant of those types of behaviors when I form relationships in the future and watch for red flags, like boundaries being disregarded.
“I was doubtful of the whole process… Wildly, wildly skeptical. Like [Jason was] a tarot card reader. I felt like spending money and hiring a coach wouldn’t help. I wanted everyone to think I was I had that all taken care of. I didn’t want to admit there was a problem. I didn’t believe a coach such as Jason could have adequately addressed my issue…"
“The weekly sessions really helped me to stay motivated. When I felt like you saw progress in me, it helped motivate me as well and gave me hope that I could change. But I also benefited a lot from your advice. Well, for me, it was special because It was opening the marriage and dating and I got a lot of advice on dating through the Nice Guy recovery lens. It was really helpful in knowing how to reenter the dating world after having been married for 10 years.”
You helped me through the challenges of dealing with a relationship that wasn't going in the right direction. I wouldn't quite call it toxic, but you helped me think through my investment in the relationship and the other person not reciprocating. It was time to worry about myself, think about myself, and do good for myself. That relationship ended.
I’m looking at women in a totally different way where people don't put them on pedestals. Through the practices Jason has taught me, practicing non-judgment is everything. I’m starting to see some good things come about from my relationships with women. And I can be OK with who I am.
I would definitely recommend Jason’s coaching to people who are not confident in who they are or what they want. Jason’s coaching is helpful for people who have relationship issues with people with very dominant personalities. I would also recommend Jason to people having trouble in their dating world.
…I would recommend someone to you if you're trying to just understand and navigate your 20s especially - I didn't realize how tough it would be -it's a challenge. So I would recommend to coach for that if you're feeling that kind of way.
I basically overcame my biggest darkest fear. That is what happened and I don't know anybody that wouldn't want to overcome their biggest darkest fear. So to be able to step into that and prove to myself that that fear is 100% false, it's only starting a chain reaction.
I like the tough love - very direct, very honest, and straightforward so there was no confusion in terms of what you're trying to say, what your intention was, the advice or feedback they were trying to get me to.
“…I found that it was definitely worth the investment. It's more than worth it to be able to address these fears that I deal with day in and day out and have tools in my toolbox to address them for the rest of my life.”
The 10 Reasons Why Every Nice Guy Needs a Coach to Win in Life

Are you a Nice Guy?
Nice Guys...
Frequently get stuck in procrastination and perfectionism
Strive to lead a smooth, problem-free life
Think that any kind of emotional tension or conflict is bad
Are afraid to express themselves for fear of being rejected
Feel like they’re not good enough
Does this sound like you?
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